
Celebrating ‘Innovation and technology for gender equality' at Block Earner #IWD

08 Mar 20233min
International women's day 2023 header
UN Women and the United Nations are celebrating International Women’s day this year under the theme “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality”. We asked some of our incredible team to share what this means to them by reflecting on their own experiences as women that are reshaping the future of finance. Read their inspiring responses below.
Rashi Goel, People and Culture Manager - The key to building DE&I
Hiring for diversity, equity and inclusion isn’t just about ticking off a box on a checklist. To truly create an environment that fosters equity and excellence, we must interrupt unconscious bias and not shy away from reassessing our people processes on an ongoing basis.
All employees, irrespective of gender, value similar attributes at work – a safe work environment, pay for merit, fair growth opportunities and flexibility. These attributes should form the DNA of any organisation and people practices should be built with non-homogeneity in mind. Processes that recognise individual needs and meet people where they are, is the key to truly cracking the code.
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Lina Lukosiunaite, CRM Manager - Empowerment through female allyship
Women in tech have achieved great things but women in emerging technologies and Web3 especially are highly underrepresented. As a female leader in the space, I feel it's important to give back through mentorship and share my career learnings to help other female leaders grow and be a part of building the future.
I encourage all women to be an ally to both themselves and others, to continue pushing the norms and to believe they deserve to succeed.
Angie Liu, Product Owner - A first step worth taking
Steering my career into Web3 is one of the best choices I’ve made. Every day, I feel that I’m surrounded by so many talented women, contributing to the industry and playing vital roles in shaping the future of the technology. They are the driving force behind excellence and making a true impact in STEM.
My advice to women considering a career in Web3 is to be resilient, bold, and proactive. Seek out mentors and allies, build support networks, and be unafraid to challenge the status quo. Taking the first step is always the hardest part but when you do, you will not only have the opportunity to build a successful career, but you’ll also be able to pave the way forward for future generations.
Dan Vu, Finance Analyst - Driving change starts from within
Entering the world of finance as a woman can be daunting, despite the many of us who have already paved the way by chipping away at the “glass ceiling”. Closing the gender gap in finance starts from within, by realising your full potential and breaking down unconscious bias in the workplace.
Despite working in a male-dominated industry, I know that I have been given every equal opportunity and support to succeed in my career. That’s why I am proud to be working at a fintech startup that is leveraging technology and innovation to lead the way in valuing the diversity and inclusivity of women!
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Nidhi Gorai, Brand & Comms Lead - Allyship isn’t a privilege
In the span of my career in Comms I’ve had the privilege of working closely with some incredible founders and CEOs building game changing tech companies. Albeit they’ve been mostly male, I’ve felt trusted and supported to counsel them and tell their stories. Although, i think receiving allyship shouldn’t be a privilege it should be a given – in any role, across any function and by all genders.
I’m proud to have worked with some incredible female leaders too and have to say, it's pretty powerful when you get to draw inspiration, firsthand from women that are fearlessly leading the charge on driving innovation.

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